Connaissez-vous La Mare aux Oiseaux ? Si non, ne vous inquiétez pas, j’ai tous les détails sur le menu de La Mare aux Oiseaux, que je vais partager avec vous.
Nouvelle formule & Menu Prix
Menu | Description | Prix |
La Grande Migration | The complete collection to travel in the heart of the Birds in 8 stages | 150€/pers. hors vins and 235 €/pers. avec l’accord Mets et Vins. (Accord vin La Grande Migration 7 verres 85€) |
L’Envol | A walk in 6 steps around the Guérande peninsula | 120€/pers. hors vins and 185€/pers. avec food and wine pairing. (L’Envol wine pairing 5 glasses €65) |
Le Reposoir | A discovery of the Brière in 4 stages where you will have to choose between fish and meat | 90€/pers. hors vins and €138/pers. with food and wine pairing. (Le Reposoir wine pairing 4 glasses 48€) |
La Balade en Brière / Au déjeuner du Jeudi au Samedi | We offer you a 3-stroke | 65€/pers. hors vins and 91€/pers. with food and wine pairing (Wine pairing Walk in Brière 2 Glasses 26€) |
La Mare aux Oiseaux New formula Carte
Menu | Description | Prix |
La Grande Migration | The complete collection to travel in the heart of the Birds in 8 stages | 150€/pers. excluding wines and 235 €/pers. with food and wine pairing. (La Grande Migration wine pairing 7 glasses 85€) |
L’Envol | A walk in 6 steps around the Guérande peninsula | 120€/pers. excluding wines and 185€/pers. with food and wine pairing. (L’Envol wine pairing 5 glasses €65) |
Le Reposoir | A discovery of the Brière in 4 stages where you will have to choose between fish and meat | 90€/pers. excluding wines and €138/pers. with food and wine pairing. (Le Reposoir wine pairing 4 glasses 48€) |
La Balade en Brière / Au déjeuner du Jeudi au Samedi | We offer you a 3-stroke | 65€/pers. excluding wines and 91€/pers. with food and wine pairing (Wine pairing Walk in Brière 2 Glasses 26€) |
Toutes les photos, les prix et les menus proviennent des sources officielles.
Si vous voulez essayer une cuisine raffinée, j’ai quelques très bonnes recommandations à vous faire.